表问我工作还是学业重要?!! 现阶段它们对我都重要 需要前者 因为我需要钱 没钱我哪来实践后者 两个我都不能放弃 这是我为难之处 时间紧迫使我透不过气 但这年头有谁不为自己的将来在打拼
要收获 必须得付出 这道理我非常懂。
话说昨天上了一堂有趣的课,导师要我们看着镜中的自己写出少于一百字来描述自己。看着镜中的自己 感觉脸上有些疲惫 故事藏在眼睛里头...
“You'll never know me unless you are looking through my eyes, you will be able to know the hidden story behind the eyes. Even tough it's just a pair of ordinary eyes, but the feeling which come from there is different. It looks helpless whenever it encounters problems; it looks happy whenever someone makes it cheerful. It can smile like a rainbow or else just cry like the rain. However, sometimes it chooses to hide the truth about its feelings. That's why you can't to see anything from my eyes. It's lonely indeed. ”
导师看了看我的双眸,你的故事怎么那么悲呀~ 你很寂寞么?没有朋友?!
才懂原来用文字来表达情感更为强烈 。。。