I'd always ask myself about single better or couple? I think there is no perfectly correct answer but depends on you how do you think of it. Somehow, I don't think single worse than couple. For me, I love freedom and used to live independent. Single doesn't matter for me. People used to ask why you do not look for 'the other half''. I think all these actually rely on fate. Therefore, I would enjoy as much as possible when I am still in single status. However, I have a friend who still unmarried now. People surround her always wonder why she still single yet even she already reach the 'age' that supposed to get married. But once I heard from what she she about the reasons why she think to be single rather than in relationship. Actually totally change my mind to think about this matter. She said exactly what I thought previously. Somehow, we're wonder why people could come and leave this world individually but can't to live in single. This doesn't make sense actually, right? If I say this is because we all are individual form but usually tending to be in dual. Do you agree?!